Tuesday, May 22, 2012

halloween 2011

My scary little tricksters for Halloween - Hello Kitty and Chococat!


Fall 2011

Where has the time gone?  My parents had always told me that time goes faster the older you get but I never realized just how right they were until recently.  This past year has seriously flown by and I can't seem to keep track of the time.  The thought of the passing days makes me sad realizing that my kids are growing up so quickly and I just hope that I can savor every one of our moments together and try to somehow capture them to the best of my ability.  This is the reason why I am always behind my camera.

A day of apple picking

My pumpkin in a pumpkin patch

family day 2011

Once again I seem to be catching up.  It has been almost an entire school year since my last posting and I am feeling very guilty.  I have been trying to dig up old facebook photos to figure out where I last left off and now my head is spinning with the amount of pictures I have taken but not yet posted on here.  

Let's start off with Family day 2011 at Bruyere Gardens.  Our family goes here every year because there is just lots of fun activities for the kids and plenty of FREE food!

Lorraine, Dennis and Nat after 5K walk

My Daddy

Dallie and Anna

My sister, Heidi

Dani and Anna

Ryan being his charming self

Matt and Mikayla


Saturday, December 3, 2011

first day!

I am a little late with this post but here we go.  Arianna is now a kindergartener and Rylan is in pre-k and both attending the same school. 
Leaving early morning!

In front of the school

proud gramps!

heading off to class

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Monday, November 7, 2011

tooth fairy

My little girl is growing up.  I can't believe that at five and a half Arianna has already lost her first two teeth, both in a week from each other.  She was so excited for her visit from the tooth fairy in which she received a 5 dollar bill for each tooth (the tooth fairy is a bit expensive these days).  I fondly remember my days of losing teeth and I was elated to collect a whole 25 cents.  This is just one of the first moments of many special ones to come for my beautiful baby girl!

Picture of the loss of her first tooth!!!

the beauty of boston

It was one of those weekends we were without our little angels and Ryan and I thought a day date was well deserved.  We spent the day in Boston.  I spent the day with my lovely husband and my eye behind the camera.