Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2008 could not have gone any better. Ryan, my Mom and me woke up before either one of the kids did as I think we were more excited than they were. We waited until they both rose from their slumber and brought them downstairs to show them how Santa had eaten their cookies. I am not sure if they understood what we were talking about, but when they set their eyes on the large display of presents, the didn't really care what we were saying.


Rylan's new train table

Arianna tries on her new skates Auntie Heidi got her

Then off to Dallie's House for the big celebration

Dallie got Anna a beautiful baby doll with adorable clothes to fit

Lowell and Rylan on Ryan's lap

Lowell passed out around 4 PM from all of the excitement

Mikayla LOVES Rylan

T'was the Night Before Christmas

This year we had the whole family over for Christmas Eve. I am no Betty Crocker in the kitchen so making dinner for 16 was pretty scary. I expected to set something on fire but to my surprise, everything turned out fairly well and it wasn't as arduous as I thought it would be.

Lowell, Rylan and Arianna each unwrapped a present of choice. It was so cute to see their adorable faces light up as they ripped into each package.

Lowell was super excited to get his favortie super heroes

We had to put two tables together. This picture sort of resembles "The Last Supper."

The boys in their matching PJ's

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cookie Magic

Today I mesmerized my family with my Martha Stewart-like skills and made sugar cookies with the kids. After I pulled the cookies out of the oven, Arianna helped me add a few finishing touches with icing and sprinkles. Rylan seemed pretty impressed with the outcome and helped himself to the baking sheet of goods.

Rylan kept face planting himself into the baking sheet in hopes to catch some sprinkles with his tongue.

Just can't get enough

We eventually had to pull the little guy off the sweets.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Pictures for Santa

Tis the season to take pictures for our Christmas cards. Trying to get the kids to sit together for just a few seconds can really be a task. Ryan and I had to convince Arianna that Santa wanted some pictures of her and Rylan so he knew who he was bringing presents to. I am not sure if she believed us or not, but she sat still long enough for us to get in a few shots. Of course I did not post what the Christmas card photo would be because I didn't want to ruin the fun, but we are pretty happy with how the cards turned out this year. Rylan wasn't too thrilled to be dressed up or being made to sit still--that's a boy for ya!
Rylan looking pissed off and sort of like "The Godfather"

Poor Pandy!

We tried to distract the kids with Christmas ornaments