Today was Arianna's first official day at preschool. It was all she could talk about this past weekend. When we took her for a tour last Friday, she fell in love with the school right from beginning. Arianna's teacher, Mrs. Ginny, really got her involved in some super fun activities with arts and crafts and she wanted no parts of leaving to go home. I seriously had to drag her out the door with remnants of crafts in my hand.This morning Arianna woke up and told us all that she was a big girl now and was going to preschool. We got her ready and took her to school, which by the way, is right across the street from us. She seemed a little shy when she stepped through the school doors, but seemed to warm up as soon as she saw her teacher. I snuck out the door when I noticed that she was starting to become emersed in a game. I was not about to make a production about leaving or she would not be happy. I am currently at home writing this a half an hour after dropping her off so I will be sure to inform everyone of how it went.
Here are some pre-preschool pics from this morning:

Arianna's dance recital is quickly approaching and as the time draws near, the class has been gearing up by lots of dance practice and fitting for their recital costumes. The class will be dancing as a bunch of beautiful little flowers in a garden. Last week the flower costumes arrived for the girls to try on. Here is a quick shot of Arianna in her beautiful little outfit. I had my camera phone with me so the quality isn't great but she looks oh so cute all the same.