So where have we left off? Okay, so Arianna started ballet for her second year and me, being the proud mother I am, had taken plenty of pictures but my computer that had all of the photos CRASHED... I lost all the beautiful ballerina pics! Sigh.... I know there was more activity along with pictures but I just can't seem to recall all of it right now; my head being fuzzy with kid mentality.
Where does this leave us now? Well along the path of a few serious Rylan meltdowns and a couple of Arianna diva tantrums, we recently went to North Conway a few weekends ago. We had a blast spending time with my family and just enjoying nature, shopping and the excitement of new surroundings. It is just always nice leaving my messy house for a few days and destroying a new one.
So ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I give you amazing pictures from North Conway, NH (The White Mountains, if you please).