Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turkey Day 2008

We all celebrated Thanksgiving with my in-laws and close family friends this year. There were over 20 guests and enough food to feed 100! We all had such an amazing time and the kids loved all the attention they got. Now it is count down to Christmas!

Here is to a fabulous Thanksgiving!Having a great time with my wonderful Mother-In-Law
Arianna and Ryan

Ryan and big sis, Candace
Julie and boyfriend Alex flew in from England to celebrate with family

Arianna and Cousin Lowell

Dallie with family friend, Sue
Aunt Caroline and Grandmother "Mem" Bergeron
Dallie shows us how to make a perfect Turkey

1 comment:

Christina said...

Great pictures, Holly! It looks like it was such a great Thanksgiving!! And you are just the sweetest thing! I love reading your blog because you are just so sweet!