Friday, May 22, 2009

Tiny Dancer

Arianna's dance recital was a hit. She was such a big girl and she made the entire family extremely proud of her. We all watched in amazement as she took to the stage and danced her little tush off. After the dance she collected bundles of flowers and we all left to attend an after-party at Cousin Mikayla's house. Times like these are truly priceless.

Getting the girl ready

Hair is all done!

Time for makeup! (On a three year old.... crazy!)

With Dallie all dolled up!

With Gramps

Meme, Arianna, Auntie Nat and Cousin Mikayla

Arianna, Cousin Mikayla, Rylan and Cousing Matthew

Arianna and Meme

Cousin Kayla, Rylan and Arianna

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