Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sledding we will go

What to do on another cold, rainy/snowy day?  How about decorating sleds for the baby dolls?  I grabbed two cardboard trays that held our water bottles and gave them to the kids to decorate; this way their babies could go sledding in style.  I have to admit that this was a better idea than yesterday's in which I put flour all over cookie sheets for the tots to draw in with their fingers - BIG MISTAKE!  The next thing I know, there is flour over the entire downstairs dining room and it took me over an hour to clean up.  Note to self:  Do not try to wash the floor or wipe the table down with flour on it: 
flour + water = disaster

I refused to take pictures of the flour finger drawings and aftermath but here are some pics from the sled decorating:

Pushing Lanie across the floor in her sled

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