Saturday, March 27, 2010

Getting Crazy with the Karaoke

In preparation for Dallie and Papa's 25th Anniversary party this Sunday, Ryan rented a karaoke machine because his family likes to get crazy with the sing-a-longs.   We decided to let the kids give the machine a test run before the event.  Apparently the crazy singing runs in the family because Rylan and Arianna seemed to love belting out as much as possible via the microphone.  Arianna even made up her own song, as she yelled, "I'm a blonde girl named Arianna, and I like cake."  Rylan just copied everything she said which made the whole experience even funnier.  God love em'. 

1 comment:

Christina said...

LOVE that last picture of you and Rylan! So darling!

How fun!! You guys are the most fun little family. I love it! When can we come over?!