Monday, September 27, 2010


It is hard to believe that I am now 31 years of age.  I feel like I am still a teenager on so many levels, but then I try to stand back and I look at my life and realize that I am so far removed from those carefree, spontaneous years - and THAT reality, I would not change for all the youth in the world. 

Because I would miss out on moments like these....

                 We decided to spend my birthday at Hampton Beach.

Which turned into spending much of the day at the Hampton Beach playground and doing things that made the kids happy.  But it was all worth it to get smiles like these.

It brought me back to the first time I had fried dough at the beach.

That day I felt like a kid again.

Although it is nice to be young,  I feel it is even better to relive your youth through your children's eyes and share in their experiences.  The day I turned 31- though a simple day and not so extravagant to most - was an amazing day in time that I will always cherish, a day to be a kid again with my kids.

So here is to 31 and many more days filled with playgrounds, laughs, fried dough and happiness.  The years just keep getting better.

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