Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rylan's first field trip

This past fall was Rylan's first field trip to Smolak farm for a fun hayride, apple picking, animal petting as well as snacking on some delicious apple donuts and cider.  Being the Mother of the year that I am, and I write this sarcastically, I volunteered to chaperone the group.  Apparently there was a lack of adults in attendance so I had to watch Rylan and two other very hyperactive and curious boys.  Rylan's favorite part of the trip was riding in a big boy school bus.  He had always wanted to ride on the big yellow beast so this was a major deal for him. All the boys were very well behaved but they definitely kept me on my toes as one boy would dart in one direction while the other two would run in another. I definitely got my exercise that day!

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