Friday, February 26, 2010

Crafty Kids

I am hoping that spring comes soon because the kids are getting very stir crazy and I am running out of things to keep them entertained.  Today Ryan and I broke out as many art/craft supplies as we could and just let the kids go to town.  I don't think the glue was such a great idea as it got all over the kitchen table to accompany the remnants of caked on flour I can't seem to get off (see previous posts).  

So today we made....

Treasure Boxes

and then....

Pocket Pals

and then....
Foam Pictures

and then....

 and lastly... 
Caterpillars on leaves

Now time to go clean the house.  Please spring, get here soon!  My kids need you!

1 comment:

Christina said...

WHOA! You did ALL of these crafts??! SUPERMOM!!

So so darling!